* @fileoverview Interface definitions for the stippling API
* @module backend/routes/interfaces
* Raw query parameters received from the client request
* @interface QueryParams
export interface QueryParams {
/** Minimum latitude of the bounding box */
minLat: string;
/** Maximum latitude of the bounding box */
maxLat: string;
/** Minimum longitude of the bounding box */
minLng: string;
/** Maximum longitude of the bounding box */
maxLng: string;
/** Width of the output grid */
w: string;
/** Height of the output grid */
h: string;
/** Optional total number of stipples to generate */
total_stiples?: string;
* Validated and parsed query parameters
* @interface ValidatedParams
export interface ValidatedParams {
/** Minimum latitude (-90 to 90) */
minLat: number;
/** Maximum latitude (-90 to 90) */
maxLat: number;
/** Minimum longitude (-180 to 180) */
minLng: number;
/** Maximum longitude (-180 to 180) */
maxLng: number;
/** Width of the output grid (positive integer) */
w: number;
/** Height of the output grid (positive integer) */
h: number;
/** Optional total number of stipples */
total_stiples?: number;
* Successful parameter validation result
* @interface ValidationSuccess
export interface ValidationSuccess {
isValid: true;
params: ValidatedParams;
* Failed parameter validation result
* @interface ValidationFailure
export interface ValidationFailure {
isValid: false;
error: string;
/** Union type for validation results */
export type ValidationResult = ValidationSuccess | ValidationFailure;
* Raw stipple data from PostgreSQL query
* @interface StipplesRow
export interface StipplesRow {
lat: string;
lng: string;
val: string;
* Processed stipple data with numeric values
* @interface Stipple
export interface Stipple {
lat: number;
lng: number;
val: number;
* Extended Error interface for PostgreSQL errors
* @interface PostgresError
* @extends Error
export interface PostgresError extends Error {
code?: string;
* Available dataset types for stippling
* @typedef {string} DatasetType
export type DatasetType = "air_pollution" | "temperature" | "earth_relief";
* Configuration for a dataset table
* @interface TableConfig
export interface TableConfig {
/** Name of the PostgreSQL table */
tableName: string;
/** Name of the column containing the raster data */
valueColumn: string;
* Configuration mapping for all available datasets
export const DATASET_CONFIGS: Record<DatasetType, TableConfig> = {
air_pollution: {
tableName: "air_pollution",
valueColumn: "rast",
temperature: {
tableName: "temperature",
valueColumn: "rast",
earth_relief: {
tableName: "earth_relief",
valueColumn: "rast",