

Router handling stipple generation endpoints

View Source backend/src/routes/stiples.ts, line 2


# inner assignPointsToGrid(stipples, w, h, minLng, maxLng, minLat, maxLat) → {Array.<Array.<Stipple>>}

Assigns points to a uniform grid based on closest distance

Name Type Description
stipples Array.<StipplesRow>

Array of raw stipple points from database

w number

Width of the output grid

h number

Height of the output grid

minLng number

Minimum longitude of the bounding box

maxLng number

Maximum longitude of the bounding box

minLat number

Minimum latitude of the bounding box

maxLat number

Maximum latitude of the bounding box

View Source backend/src/routes/stiples.ts, line 70

2D array of stipples assigned to grid cells


# async inner getStiplesForDataset(dataset, params, res)

Fetches and processes stipple data for a specific dataset

Name Type Description
dataset DatasetType

Type of dataset to query (air_pollution, temperature, or earth_relief)

params ValidatedParams

Validated query parameters

res Response

Express response object

View Source backend/src/routes/stiples.ts, line 115

# inner validateQueryParams(params) → {ValidationResult}

Validates and parses query parameters for stipple generation

Name Type Description
params Partial.<QueryParams>

Raw query parameters from the request

View Source backend/src/routes/stiples.ts, line 15

Validation result with either parsed parameters or error message